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A four-way split color photograph of a woman in distress with a man in the back, a woman crying with a little girl hugging her from the back, people crossing over a legal scale, and gray plaque with white writing, “It is not just you who suffers after an accident.”

The Full Story

Loss of Consortium

Loss of consortium claims are a type of personal injury claim that arise when a spouse or family member is deprived of the benefits of a loving and supportive relationship due to the injuries or death of their loved one. These claims are typically brought in conjunction with a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit and seek compensation for the loss of companionship, emotional support, and sexual relations. Loss of consortium claims, can be difficult to prove, as they require a demonstration of the impact of the injury or death on the relationship between the parties. However, with the help of experienced legal professional and expert testimony, the injured party or surviving family members can seek compensation for the tangible and intangible losses they have suffered. Loss of consortium claims, can provide some measure of comfort and support to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one or a significant change in their relationship due to injury. When you suffer a serious injury due to someone else's negligence, it inadvertently and adversely effects the ones closest to you. Your spouse or life partner may be entitled to compensation as well. 

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